Friday, June 26, 2020

Vocabulary Challenge - 5 high level adjectives

to be convivial - being very sociable, enjoying the company of others, being friendly and kind to others

to be dilatory - to cause a delay in something, to waste time

to be winsome - attractive or appealing, primarily because one seems innocent

to be desultory - not having a plan for something, not addressing a problem in a rational, systematic way

to be fatuous - silly, foolish, kind of stupid

Choose the best word to fill in the blank. Answers are below:

Instead of addressing the coronavirus with a bold and visionary plan, President Trump was completely ________________ and thus showed no real leadership.

Although Bob was in his 40s he had a ______________ appearance that made him look sweet, innocent and gentle.

Joe needed to get that financial report as soon as possible, but Jack was using various ________________ methods to buy more time to finish it.

When Trump was asked a serious question about how Americans could best protect themselves on an individual level from the corona virus, be provided a completely ________________ answer by saying
they could inject themselves with detergent.

Dave was generally liked by his colleagues because of his ______________ personality. He was kind and friendly and loved hosting parties and gatherings. 

